One of the main bands in this movement is the superbly named Sid, who deliver the theme tune “Ranbu No Melody” to this here title, a pleasingly ace affair that has also been used in the TV series, and was released as a hit single in Japan. Think David Bowie’s more flamboyant character-based 70s glam period, and then add into the mix cosplay, even more make up and off-the-wall Japanese aesthetics and you are about half way there. Pretty much confined to Nippon, Visual Kei fuses rock, metal and punk music with outlandish, often androgynous dress and make up. SOUND: I may not be an expert in Bleach, but I am familiar with the awesomely mental Japanese musical movement known as Visual Kei. But this matters not, as there is plenty of clout to the gameplay to make the impenetrable and seemingly disjointed tale irrelevant. Unless you are a fan of the subject matter, it is unlikely that the story will hold any gravitas whatsoever, nor will you empathise with the plight of Ichigo and his buddies. Throughout the game, new members of the cast pop up with dialogue, are unlocked as playable characters or are introduced to the action as foes with alarming regularity.

This title does not exactly guide the uninitiated by the hand in introducing them or indeed the bonkers plot, with only a brief introduction before levels explaining the aim of your next mission. As you can probably imagine from a series that has been going for a decade, the plot is dense and packed full of characters. Soul Resurrección picks up the Bleach story just after Ichigo and his band of merry men have had a blazing row with the Soul Society, the mysterious afterlife realm populated by the souls of the departed. STORY: The main dude in the Bleach universe is carrot-topped samurai warrior Ichigo Kurosaki, who somehow ends up being granted the powers of a Soul Reaper, which condemns him to a life of defending humans from evil spirits and helping to guide lost souls onto the afterlife. It is big business 60 million volumes of the manga have been shifted in Japan alone, and it has spawned a television show, a bunch of movies, a staggering seven rock musicals and of course a plethora of videogames – Soul Resurrección being the latest. Bleach is a long running Japanese manga series, which celebrated its ten year anniversary this year.